Monday, March 21, 2011

At Just the Right Time...

God always moves at just the right time. I never can explain the way He does it, but so many times, out of nowhere, God moves…and it’s always, without fail, at the exact time I need Him to. Not only does He send encouragement my way, He sends people who absolutely change my life…and I’m deeply thankful. A couple of years ago I was in a rut in my life, looking for more. I was love with Jesus, but I never felt free—always down and discouraged about things and couldn’t seem to really get a hold of my life. I felt as if I was just going from one thing to the next, spinning out of control. I felt very alone and honestly depressed much of the time. I knew that I was saved and had the Holy Spirit living in me and that I shouldn’t feel this way, but day in and day out I felt like a total failure…bad wife, bad mom, and a bad friend. In fact, it felt as if I didn’t really have any friends. I knew that Jesus died to set me free, but where was this freedom and confidence that’s promised so clearly in the Bible? Why was I walking around angry, confused, and overwhelmed? If you looked at my life from the outside in, everything looked great…I was a mom of 3 truly great kids, I had a great husband, and I spent time meeting with and ministering to college students. What in the world could possibly be so bad about this life?
Well, at just the right time, God sent me an amazing new friend. I was leading worship at a women’s retreat and she was there ministering through soaking prayer. I remember going for a walk one morning by myself, crying out to God to please help me. I was at the end of my rope and needed a touch from Him…not just a temporary one, but one that would sincerely change my life. I was pouring my heart out to Him about so many different issues, and no doubt, He heard my cry. Later that day I experienced, for the very first time, what’s called soaking prayer. I was laying in the dark with all the other ladies from the retreat in my own little space, listening to worship music. Pretty much as soon as the music started I was weeping. I desperately needed something to change in my life…that’s when He sent Holly my way. She began praying for me and tears were streaming down my face—and hers. It was a moment I’ll never forget. As she prayed, God called out every single thing that I’d mentioned to Him just a few hours before. She prayed for all the issues that I’d lifted up to Him…and I never even mentioned one of them to her. God used Holly that weekend to change my life. He changed my life because she was faithful to live life as a healer. She had exactly what I was searching for…and that was freedom. Freedom to minister, freedom to love, freedom to show mercy, and freedom just to be who God divinely made her to be. Because of that one moment, my life was changed forever…not to mention I have a wonderful forever friend in Holly thanks to Jesus and His great love for me.
After that weekend was over I began meeting with Holly and we worked through some of these issues together. It was just what I had been asking for. For years I asked God to send me a “mother in the Lord,” and that’s exactly what He did…at just the right time. Because of the Holy Spirit working through Holly, God has set me free from so many things, and I’m totally different than I was just a couple of short years ago. I’m so thankful that God, through his mercy, used a divine friendship to get rid of so many of the things in my life that were holding me captive from living a life of freedom in Christ. God made a way, where there seemed to be no way, and I live life so much differently now than I did just two short years ago. I’m so much freer to be me and to live life full of joy!
What’s amazing is that there have been countless other stories in my life just like this one, where God “showed up” at just the right time. Even now God has placed us with an amazing local church plant because of a connection with my son’s wonderful preschool teacher. I never would have dreamed that this would happen in a million years! Even though being there was not even remotely in my plan, God showed up again, at just the right time, and made a new, better way than I could ever have imagined.
So, if you’re wondering what in the world is going on in your life not sure of what to do, get on your knees and cry out to God. If you feel abandoned and confused, not knowing where to go, just be patient…God is absolutely moving on your behalf. You might not see the answer yet, but it is indeed coming…and it will be at just the right time. Never give up because God will show up when you least expect Him to, in a way or through someone you’d never have anticipated, gently reminding you that He is still on the throne and loves you so much more than you can fathom. Thank you God for your amazing plans for us!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Couple of Thoughts on Deep Friendships

A couple of thoughts on deep friendships…
Through the course of my life I’ve had the privilege of having many close friends. Some of my friends have come and gone, yet many have remained constant through the years. They have been with me through many trials, through joys and tears and through it all. Even though the relationships change over the years because of location, marriage, or other life changes, I have to say that I am deeply thankful for the true friendships that God has brought into my life. I may only talk to some of these friends a few times a year, but when we talk it’s as if there’s a deep connection…one that will always be there. A depth that occurs from living through and sharing deep experiences together. A depth that comes from shedding tears together, sharing joys, as well as simply living day to day life as part of one another’s path. Spending time together laughing and talking, playing games, going on fun outings with groups, or just one on one conversation over dinner or on the phone. One of my very favorite things to do and probably some of the most memorable times with friends is simply being in a car with them. Even if it’s a trip to a local restaurant and back, there’s nothing (in my mind) like spending time together with someone in a car. I’ve had so many wonderful times and conversations riding together with others. So many stories are told, both funny and serious, and even deep ministry has occurred for me just riding together with others.
What a true blessing friendship is and has been in my life. As seasons have changed throughout the years, some friends from the previous season remain, but God also chooses to bless me with new friends to share these new experiences with, and I get the chance to start all over again…yet keep my life long friends! I get to make even more life long friends as time goes by and it is so exciting for me...of course it can be scary, but I always enjoy getting to make new friends.
I know that I’ve made many, many, mistakes as a friend, but there definitely are some things that I’ve learned about being a good friend over the years. One thing that I’d say tops the list is expectation. I used to carry so many expectations into my relationships and end up being hurt almost everyday. If someone didn’t call me back or respond I’d feel deeply rejected by them and think they didn’t like me, or didn’t want me around. I’ve learned over the years, to truly be thankful for the time I get to share with my friends, not putting unreasonable expectations on the friendship solely to meet my needs. I’ve learned that I’m in the relationship to love and serve the other person first. I’m not in it to receive love or to fill some deep need, although in a good relationship receiving love is most likely to happen. I’m not even in the friendship to receive encouragement or some other need I might have…I’m in it to serve and to bless the friend that God has placed in my path, trusting that God will bring that love and encouragement that I need…maybe through that friend, or maybe (even better) through my relationship with Him.
I’ve also realized throughout the years that friendships are not always easy. I’ve shed many, many, many tears over broken friendships and even when I was confused or unsure about a friend’s love toward me. Many times I’ve been left in the dark wondering “what in the world is she thinking?” “Did I do something to offend her,” or “maybe I’m asking too much..” I’ve honestly come to understand during these times that I need to be free to be me. If I feel like God is putting it on my heart to serve a friend or bless them in some way then I need to do it regardless of what I think the friend I’m doing it for might think about me. Sometimes I feel like God wants me to do something for someone and I don’t always feel like doing it! Sometimes I honestly believe that God asks me to do something to make sure my motive is truly to bless the other person, not expecting something in return. I love going out of my way to bless others, and how a friend receives the blessing is truly between them and God. Of course, most will receive it with a smile, but maybe won’t always let you know that your gift was appreciated.
One more thought on friendships…if you really love someone and appreciate them in your life, let them know. Be vulnerable and put yourself out there. If you’re secure in your relationship with Jesus, it won’t matter as much what the other person thinks. So many times I’ve let moments pass because I was too afraid that maybe the other person might not love me as much as I love them. If someone is your friend and you are thankful for them, tell them often. Period. Does it really matter that much if that person loves you as much as you love them? Remember, God has put them in your life for a reason. Telling people how you feel brings a confidence and a security in the friendship that can’t be described. When I know I’m loved by a friend I feel much more free in the relationship. If I’m not sure someone really wants to be in the relationship, then I’m always wondering, and looking for any signal that might indicate that they feel the same way. Too many friendships only reach a certain depth because of fear. Fear of rejection and vulnerability. People are afraid that if someone gets to know the “real you” then they wouldn’t actually want to be your friend. That is so NOT TRUE! The more I get to know someone, their past, thoughts, concerns, fears, etc, the more I love them and appreciate them. That’s why God gives us these deep friends to share life with!
So remember…serve your friends, expect nothing (but appreciate everything), and tell them OFTEN how much you appreciate them being in your life. I don't think you can over do it. Oh, and never ever forget to thank God every day for the gifts that He has given you of deep life long friendships…He is the ultimate friend, and the only friend that won’t ever disappoint!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Will you Take Your Land?

Will You Take Your Land?

God is so amazing. Today I’ve been reading a little in the book of Numbers chapters 13-14. It’s a very familiar passage, but it always convicts me every time I read it. It tells of the time when the Israelites had already come through the amazing deliverance from Egypt and they are on their way to the promised land…the land PROMISED to them by God. They send out some men to scope out the land and see if it actually is what they’ve heard it was…a land flowing with milk and honey. When they returned their report was as follows, found in 13:27: “we went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large…” Caleb then stops them from continuing to talk and tells Moses “we should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” The other men continue “we can’t go up there and attack those people; they are stronger than we are…” and they go on to say “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”
After all of this went down the Israelites were complaining and grumbling against the Lord, saying “if only we had died in Egypt! Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?”
Remember, all of this was after God parted the Red Sea for them and saved them from the Egyptians. They had already seen amazingly miraculous signs, and quickly forgot that God would indeed give them the land He promised them, no matter how big the inhabitants looked or what they had to face to even get there.
So, that’s the question we should ask today…the thing that really sticks out to me is how the men saw themselves. They viewed themselves as grasshoppers, and that’s exactly what we do in life so many times. When God promises certain things to us that we read in His word, we say, “there’s no way I can do that. God, how can you expect me to face that and win?” It’s His promise, that’s how, and He is with us! It’s his power that defeats the enemy, we just need to obey and follow His lead. We get defeated by so many schemes of the enemy, and don’t remember who God has made us to be. We are more than conquerors! We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! With my God I can advance against a troop, and scale a wall! We are strong, firm, and steadfast. We have the same power that rose Jesus from the dead living in us! The one who is in us is GREATER than the one who is in the world. All of these amazing things that God says we are, and we just sit back and let the devil attack us and take away the promises of God. God says “by Jesus’ stripes we are healed.” Jesus says in John 10:10 that he has come that we will have life in abundance, to the full, till it overflows! How exciting is that! The question is, do you REALLY believe it? Do we live our life in such a way that demonstrates that we trust Jesus and all he has done for us? Do we hold onto these promises, knowing that God absolutely, 100% has them for us and we won’t let go until we see them? Or, do we see ourselves as defeated, and that the enemy is just way too big for us to conquer? These promises are ours. Period. God does not forsake his promises. He keeps them. He wants things to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven.” Is there sickness in heaven? How about poverty? None of those things are there. God doesn’t just want us to sit back and take what the devil gives. If we see sickness, we need to believe that GOD is our healer. That's HIS promise. He wants us to know who we are, children of God, and stand up and fight for the promises He’s given to us. He always has our best in mind, and if we trust Him and believe in Him we will win victory after victory. It might not come easy, we might actually have to stand up and fight, renewing our mind with GOD's truth, not what we hear all around us, but the battle for the promised land has already been won! We just need to step up and fight, trusting that when we hope in the Lord, we will never be put to shame. Change the way you view yourself. Know that sickness, sin, strife, and the ways of this world are NOT God's best for you, and that His promises are waiting there for you to take hold of!