The power of touch…
I love touch. I love
to be comforted by others with a hug, a pat on the back, or simply just a hand
on my shoulder. It shows me that
everything is going to be ok and that someone loves me. It gives me a sense of comfort and peace like
no other. That’s exactly how God
designed it. Even though touch wasn’t a
big part of my life growing up, it was something that I deeply needed, and as
I’ve aged I realize that it was a definite deficit in my life. Study after study indicates that touch is
vital to the proper growth and development of children. If touch is vital in that stage of our lives,
then I have no doubt that it remains the same as we grow older.
I’ve been doing some studying recently on the power of
vulnerability. Touch is definitely part
of this. Extending yourself to give a
hug to someone can be a bit scary if you’re not sure how they will receive
it. Even just putting your hand on
someone’s back can be a bit daunting if we’re unsure of the relationship. Of course there are those who grew up in a
family of “touchers” where doing these types of things is second nature to
them, but for me, it’s never easy to extend myself in this way.
I know when someone extends themselves to me with a hug or a
simple hand on my shoulder it communicates much more than words ever
could. Think about scripture. Jesus touched others when He healed
them. He held the little children when
they came to him. The bible instructs us
to pray for others and lay our hands upon them as we do so to impart the Holy
Spirit…how amazing is that! Not only is
it an encouragement, there also is something spiritual that can happen as we
touch others and pray for them.
What a scheme from the enemy it is for us to be afraid of
something that God obviously has intended for such encouragement. How unfortunate is it when we become afraid
of this gift of God because it’s been violated at some point in our lives.
The power of a simple touch can bring healing in a time a of
pain, comfort in the time of turmoil , and peace in a time of chaos.
So, as the old commercial used to say so clearly, reach out
and touch someone!
Here is a poem that I wrote when I was in high school about
the power of a hug…not too shabby for all those years ago!
A Message from the
There’s something in a little hug
That brightens up your day
It makes you feel so special and
Takes all your fears away
Nothing can compare to what
A hug can bring to you
It brings the love and strength you need
To see your hard times through
A hug will let you know you’re loved
And know that someone cares
It shows you that you have someone
Who always will be there
Hugs make it so much easier
To say goodbye to friends.
A hug will always let you know
That good times never end
So if you don’t give many hugs
You really need to start
For when you give a hug you send
A message from the heart.