Friday, May 30, 2014

Friend. What a Beautiful Word!

Friend.  What a Beautiful Word!  

      To me there is no more beautiful word in life than the word “friend.”  A friend to me is a precious gift.  A wonderful treasure. Something that we don’t deserve in this life, but God chooses to bless us with, just because.  The word friend and all the meaning behind it for me fills my heart with deep gratitude and love.  Why?  Because I've had such great and amazing friends throughout my life. Some people come and go, but nobody who has ever been a friend to me is ever forgotten.  It’s amazing how one person can change your life forever.  One little friend who somehow makes their way inside your heart, has the power to create so much joy and love that you simply can’t contain it.  One word of encouragement from a friend can change the whole course of your life. 

        It is vital in our lives, as friends, to learn to love beyond measure. To love beyond ourselves and show others their true value.   To treat the ones that are in our lives as the gift that they really are.  Everyone is a gift.  Even the ones who create “problems” in our lives.  You have to remember that someone’s true value comes straight from Jesus.  Remember who He says we are. 
He created all of us and we need to constantly remind those that God has placed in our paths that they are amazing.  Constantly.  All the time. Did I say constantly?  In fact, you can’t tell someone these things too much. It’s simple and the best thing is that it costs nothing!  

        Look at your friend and say these words:  “You are amazing.”  Look at your spouse and say it… “You are a gift.  I thank God for you.”  Tell your children what a treasure they are.  Tell your parents that you appreciate them.  Never stop blessing and encouraging others with your words.  It means so much more than you could ever imagine.
        We simply cannot hear these words enough.  If I was reminded everyday by those around me that I’m a blessing, life would probably feel a lot lighter. So, in the midst of it all, I can choose to be that person.  I can choose to love and encourage, and hopefully by doing so it will help others to be that person also. 

        Just so you know the best gift you could ever give someone is the gift of YOU. Your time, your heart, your love.  YOU.  Because you are the treasure, not your actions.

            I can’t ever finish a blog without mentioning my very best friend…and that is Jesus.  He is the ultimate friend of all friends.  He never leaves my side.  Many days I feel alone in this season of my life, but I never am.  I am never alone.  My friend, Jesus, is always right here with me, whispering to me how much He loves me.  Telling me that he will never, ever, leave.  What a friend we have in Jesus.  What a gift He’s given us with His friendship.  What a gift we have in each other.