Tuesday, May 31, 2011

God is so good….enough said!

God is so good….enough said!

Every now and then I get blown away by the presence of God. The closer I get to Him, the more of these moments I seem to have. I love God. That’s it. Nothing gets better than Him and who He is to me. He is the absolute best friend and Father I could ever have or ever want to have. I can truly say that no one on this earth compares to Him and his great love for me. When I look back at my life I am truly floored by where I am right now, and how He got me to where I am. The funny thing is, none of it at all was planned by me. If I’d have planned it, things would look way different than they do now. It’s just amazing how God does things in our lives when we let loose, or even when we don’t! He’s always working behind the scenes in ways that we don’t have the slightest idea about. He has ways out of our problems that we can’t even come up with. It’s amazing how just one person comes into your life at the right time, and things completely get changed upside down. God is just like that. We think we have this amazing plan, but God determines our steps, and I am so thankful for that.
I’m so thankful for a God who loves me just the way I am, but calls me to be so much more. I’m so thankful for my friend Jesus who encourages me and calls me to do even greater things than even He did on this earth. I’m so thankful for an amazing Father who lets me climb up into His lap and love on Him, and rest in his presence when I’m weary from this journey, or when I just want to be with Him. I’m so grateful to God for loving me for who I am right now exactly the way I am, and not just who I will become in the future. I’m so thankful that my Daddy is pleased with me and delights in me simply because I’m His child. Thank you, Jesus for your great love and forgiveness. I’m so thankful that Jesus laid down His own life for me to forgive my sin and never holds it against me, so therefore I don’t have to hold it against myself! I’m so thankful to Jesus for setting me free…truly free…now, in this life so I can live in confidence and watch God’s amazing power at work in and through me. I’m so thankful that the mountains in front of me aren’t big at all in the eyes of my God and best friend. I know that my God is bigger than anything I could ever face. I am so glad that I am His and I belong to no one else. I am in love with Jesus, who gives me joy and inner strength every single day, so that I’m not only “making it by” but I’m living life in abundance, to the full, and till it overflows, according to His word! I’m just so thankful for who God is to me and all the ways He pours out his blessing on my life…immerses me with His goodness in so many ways I see and don’t see. I’m thankful for His protection and mercy. I’m thankful for the amazing blessing of my family, church family, and great friends that He has abundantly given me. I’m so encouraged by His love and faithfulness, and that HE never ever breaks his promises. I’m thankful that I’m full of life and love and the power of Jesus, and that absolutely no weapon formed against me will prevail. Thank you, God, for your great arms of love and acceptance. If you are for me, God, then who truly can be against me? Everyone, every enemy, and every thing pails in comparison to my God.
I’m so thankful to be me, and to know the one who made me. What an amazing privilege it is to love and lay down my life for the one who laid down His life for me. What a privilege it is to love God.
Sometimes all I can do in this life is stand in awe of God, and wait for the next amazing adventure that He’s going to take me on…It might not always be easy, but He’s always there through it to bring the greatest peace and joy I could ever ask for. God is so good….enough said!